Details of Book Nookery

Book is a transformative journey, offering an escape into different worlds and perspectives. It's a gateway to knowledge, allowing the mind to wander and imagine beyond the confines of reality.Book Nookery is a platform where reader can find ,read and order book easily

Key Feature of this project

In this feature User show all book and read . If he want he can add it wishList easily.After few days he can remove it from wishlist .

This is community page .Readers after ordering book ,reading book and also using service he can share his felling here .And watch another people complement .

In this project a user can take his all services related with book .If he any confusion he watch all review and home page services. After ordering he can watch his order in dashboard .Overall Book Nookery is a ideal platform for a readers and student .Beside it we also provide a authentication feature from us