Details of Project Fitlessian

Fitlessian is a FitlessTracking website where user can checkup his fitness and daily activites easily .Basically as a person we try to always concern for our fitness but we can not learn proper guideline .As a result we believe that this website help a user or person to maintain his fitness activity

Key Feature of this project

First of log activites.In this feature user watch lot of part here Food plan,water goal,Weight goal etc. user can set his goal for daily , weekly, monthly basis and watch his progress

In this feature if user want user can talk to our instructor by via video call.But it is paid service .First of user find his instructor with payment then he can conversation and discussion his problem about his fitness

Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition moderate-vigorous physical exercise and sufficient rest along with a formal recovery plan.I hope this website helps a person for his dedication about his fitness and anyone follow this rules and information he watch a great fitness . Thankyou for visit